Sunday 27 May 2012

The Beast between Us

Have you watched this? What do you feel? Surprise? Sick? or Scare if it happening to your family? So, how you want to prevent this from happening? Kill? Hit? or Ignore? The answer is yours. Family members, community, society and country need to overcome this issue from being increase or it will turn down you back. While watching that video, please watch the audience too. What is yours perception? Supportive or condemning? Please everyone, the future is in our hands. Please think a about it wisely.

Saturday 26 May 2012

The Challenge Begins

Many people like to challenge him or herself to get some satisfaction. The feeling appear when someone can complete or grab the target, even though it takes times, days, or even years. Because of that situation, this blog is make. The target is to challenge myself to write by using my second language that is in ENGLISH. Knowing how important this language is, the awareness to improve is suddenly appear. So, I hope that the rhythm of "writing is the way to improve” is true.

Being stupid doesn't means stupid

Have you had been called stupid? It doesn't means anything if the motif just to make someone laugh. Even though it hurt, that feeling will blur after seeing some smile at someone face. Seeing someone happy will make our day incredible, although it just a few second situation.